Moana but Sung by an Idiot Roblox Id TUTORIAL

Moana but Sung by an Idiot Roblox Id

"I am anger, nether pressure
Lost in cages, a prisoner, the starting time to escape
I am wicked, I am Legion
Force in numbers, a prevarication, the number is one
I, I, I, everything that I see is for me"

Bob Fosse said that virtually songs in musicals autumn into two categories: the "I Want" Song and the "I Am" Song. The "I Am" Song is, simply put, a vocal which establishes a grapheme's personality, office in the plot, and/or motivations right abroad. It can exist more constructive than setting up a character past dialogue, and it's almost always more than fun.

Despite the name, the song doesn't have to be sung by the characters themselves. "The Villain Sucks" Song is an instance of an "I Am" Vocal sung by other people about a villain they despise.

May too exist an I Am What I Am, simply non always. Sometimes the lyrics will incorporate I Am the Substantive. Compositionally, information technology'due south frequently a Pocket-sized Starting time, Big Finish number, starting off rather slow and depression before growing as the graphic symbol asserts themselves.

Notation: Contrast the "I Want" Song. Although the 2 are not mutually sectional, the "I Am" Song should be primarily about who the grapheme is, rather than what they desire (at that place's a clue in the name). Try to avoid citing an "I Want" Song equally an "I Am" Song.

Compare Villain Song, which are almost always of this type (when they aren't I Desire Songs), every bit well equally Sidekick Song. Run into too Leitmotif for an instrumental version. Image Song is when information technology doesn't appear in the actual show, just rather in All At that place in the Manual extras. Encounter "I Am Becoming" Vocal for when a character explains his or her new motivations or cocky. Meet likewise "I Am Slap-up!" Vocal, which show how cracking the graphic symbol thinks of themselves. Can overlap with Job Song if a character'due south job is a significant part of themselves.


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    Anime & Manga

  • Mermaid Tune Pichi Pichi Pitch: "Oh, Yeah! Alala!" establishes Alala every bit an evil Kawaiiko Idol Vocalist (strangely plenty for a shoujo series).
  • Hetalia: Axis Powers: The ending theme, "Maru Kaite Chikyuu", along with its variations by the different characters. There are also some of the character songs, namely "I am German language-Fabricated" for Germany, "Absolutely Invincible British Gentleman" for England, "My Middle Has a Light" for Russia and both "Mein Gott" and "My Song That Is Written By Me, For Me" for Prussia since he's all about telling people who he is.
  • Detroit Metal City opening theme "Satsugai" ("Murder"), performed in-universe by the eponymous band themselves, is an introduction of their frontman and guitar/vocals, Johannes Krauser II, and some of the evil deeds he has done.
  • Great Mazinger's theme, "Ore Wa Neat Mazinger" is easily this. It can also be considered to exist an almost-literal "I Am Great!" Vocal, seeing as the not only does the championship translate to "I Am Bully Mazinger", "Ore Wa" is the boastful version of the phrase "I am" and the song boasts nigh how it doesn't shed tears and wants to kick evil's ass.

    Fan Works

  • Calvin and Hobbes: The Movie: Calvin sings one while harnessing The Power of Stone, crossing over with "I Am Bully!" Song.
  • Drama Heart in Manehattan's Alone Guardian uses a heavily contradistinct version of Nightwish's "Storytime" to describe her "Burning Salamandra" persona, referring to herself every bit a restless storyteller who lives to entertain.

    Films — Blitheness

  • The first All Dogs Get to Sky film has "You Can't Keep A Proficient Dog Down," which also serves as Charlie's Leitmotif at several later points in the film.
  • From Barbie:
    • In Barbie and the Secret Door, the start version of "What'south Gonna Happen" is virtually how Alexa would rather stay in her room and read.
    • In Barbie in The Princess and the Pauper, "A Girl Similar You" is a We Are Vocal for Anneliese and Erika.

    I'm just like you.
    You're just like me.
    Nosotros take responsibility.
    We behave through,
    do what we need to do.
    Yes I am a girl like you!

  • "Li'fifty Ark Angel" from Cats Don't Dance is mildly unlike: although it'due south more of a plot device, her cheerily singing about people and animals drowning establishes Darla's graphic symbol immediately. She gets a Villain Song later, too.
  • From the Disney Blithe Canon:
    • Pinocchio has "I've Got No Strings".
    • "We're iii caballeros!"
    • "I'grand a Happy-Go-Lucky Fellow" from Fun and Fancy Complimentary, which was originally created for Pinocchio but was ultimately not used.
    • The Disney version of Robin Hood has "The Phoney King of England" which likewise serves as an case of "The Villain Sucks" Song about Prince John.
    • "Thomas O'Malley's Song" from The Aristocats.
    • "The Wonderful Thing Nearly Tiggers" from the Disney Winnie the Pooh cartoons.
    • "Why Should I Worry" from Oliver & Company is Dodger'south.
      • And "Perfect Isn't Easy" is Georgette'southward. And male child does she ever desire yous to know it.
    • The Petty Mermaid: "Poor Unfortunate Souls" for Ursula.
      • Also, "Les Poissons".
      • The phase adaptation has "The Earth Above", in which Ariel sings about her differences from the rest of her mer-family and her identification with the surface world. Eric originally had a counterpart titled "Where I Belong", which was dropped after the Denver pre-Broadway tryout, only partially reinstated as an interlude during "Fathoms Below" in the postal service-Broadway revised product.
    • Beauty and the Beast
      • "Belle" introduces Belle's enjoyment in reading and dreaming about exciting hazard, the other villagers' regarding these as strange interests for a young adult female of their era, Gaston's desire to marry Belle, and the other villagers' admiration of his handsomeness and masculinity. It covers all this in only five minutes.
      • It too serves as an "I Want" Song ("In that location must be more than this provincial life ..."), though the official I Want Song in the movie is the reprise to "Belle".
      • "Gaston." Information technology's sung by Le Fou and Gaston predominately. Information technology's about a subversion of "The Villain Sucks" Song, as anybody in Belle's town loves Gaston except her and her father. The Broadway musical version also includes the aptly named "Me", sung past Gaston himself every bit he tries (unsuccessfully) to woo Belle.
    • "One Jump Ahead" from Disney'due south Aladdin.
      • The Genie has "Friend Like Me", where he establishes his powers and personality.
    • The Nightmare Earlier Christmas: He is, indeed, the Oogie Boogie Man.
      • From the same movie, "Jack's Complaining" is both this and an "I Want" Vocal.
    • The starting time and but song in The Emperor's New Groove (before the credits) is an I Am Song.
    • Also, "Panchito'south Vocal" from House of Mouse.
    • Maui'south song "Y'all're Welcome" from Moana is all about Maui'southward many triumphs such equally slowing the sun and lifting upwards the skies.
      • And, fittingly, "I am Moana (Song of the Ancestors)", a reprise of Moana's "I Want" Song.
      • Tamatoa's Villain Song "Shiny" is, fittingly, a song about how Tamatoa is shiny and ameliorate than his reputation of a bottom-feeder.
  • Zephyr the monkey gets i in Babar: The Moving-picture show.
  • "The Batty Rap" from FernGully
  • "All I Ever Wanted" from The Prince of Arab republic of egypt is a deconstructed version. Despite following the traditional pattern and Moses explicitly declaring "I am a sovereign prince of Egypt/A son of the proud history that's shown," the song implies that he is beginning to doubt his identity and the life that he thought he knew.
  • Quest for Camelot has Garrett's "I Stand up Alone" which describes his emotional land and worldview in dissimilarity to his unwelcome guest, Kayley. Although several seconds afterwards the song ended, he reluctantly lets Kayley join him.
  • "My Name Is Mok" from Rock & Rule.
  • "Witch Doctor" from The Rugrats Movie about the monkeys, their fashion of life, and how they want the babies to live with them.
  • Toy Story has 2:
    • Woddy's "I am" song is "Strange Things": Woody has gone from tiptop toy and loved by Andy to falling out of favor over the new Fizz Lightyear. Understandably, he's rather bitter well-nigh the situation. The outset two stanzas are the best examples of the song'south pregnant.
    • Fizz'due south is "I Will Go Sailing No More", a somber song of Fizz (painfully) coming to terms with he's not a space ranger, merely a toy.

    Now I know exactly who I am
    And what I'thou here for
    And I will go sailing no more.

    Films — Live-Activeness

  • Campsite Rock loves this trope with "This is Me", "Here I Am", "Too Absurd", "Introducing Me", and "Who Will I Exist?" which doubles as an "I Desire" Song.
  • "The Vegetarian" from Physician Dolittle.
  • "Main Hoon Don" (which translates to "I Am Don") from the Bollywood film Don. This one is an interesting combination of Trick Twist and Villain Song. When yous are showtime watching the film, y'all fully believe the singer to exist Vijay. At the finish y'all discover information technology was Don pretending to be Vijay prentending to be Don, and he was so confident in his having fooled everyone that he is just reveling in his evilness.
  • "This Is Me" is one in the form of a Self-Empowerment Canticle for the "freaks" in The Greatest Showman.
  • Horse Feathers: "Whatsoever it is, I'one thousand against information technology!"
  • "Chilly Downwards" from Labyrinth about the Fireys and their mode of life.
  • In Dearest Finds Andy Hardy, teenager Betsy, played by Judy Garland, sings a song called "In Between" about how she's too old for trivial girls' toys but too immature to attract older boys like Andy.
  • "The Life I Lead" from Mary Poppins.
    • "Practically Perfect" in the phase version.
  • The "Knights of the Round Table" song from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
  • "I Am A Human Of Constant Sorrow" from O Brother, Where Art 1000? if you count it as a diegetic musical.
  • "I Yam What I Yam" from the movie Popeye.
  • Repo! The Genetic Opera, being a rock opera and featuring an ensemble cast, has one for the majority of the characters.
    • Perhaps the two most classic examples are "Legal Assassin" and "Things You See In A Graveyard", which introduce Nathan and Rotti's characters, respectively, their motivations, their pasts, and much of the plot besides.
    • Too "Seventeen" and "Infected". The latter is incredibly whiny, simply nonetheless an I Am Song.
  • "Sweet Transvestite" from The Rocky Horror Motion-picture show Evidence for Dr. Frank-n-furter, a (non so) sweet transvestite from Transylvania.
  • "Spaceballs" The Song from the Spaceballs The Picture show, is part of the soundtrack, and is, as such, non sung by any character in the story, but it is, as one might guess from the title, the I Am (or, more precisely, Nosotros Are) Song for the eponymous Spaceballs.
  • "We are the Three Aaaaaamigos! We are the iii Aaaaaaaaaaaaamigos!!! We are the three AAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamigos, and Amigos forever we'll be!"
  • Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory has interesting twists: The opening number "The Processed Man" is a typical commemoration of a title character, but none of the other characters, to say nothing of the audition, has really seen him in years. Willy Wonka, who turns out to exist far more eccentric than expected, has his own I Am Vocal in "Pure Imagination", which better fits his personality, especially with its choreography. (It also doubles as a Follow Your Heart song.)
    • The 2005 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory picture had its own take on this concept with Wonka's Welcome Song, which was written by Wonka himself, and could also be said to stand for some of his character traits. Once more, he is far more than eccentric than the song suggests, as information technology simply concentrates on his "positive" traits.
  • The song of White Knight "On m'appelle le chevalier blanc" ("My proper name is White Knight") from the movie You won't have Alsace and Lorraine.
    • He sings it every time he'southward asked "Who are you?" (and it'southward long. Hilarity Ensues).
  • In Blood Harvest, Sad Clown Marvelous Mervo sings ane over the end credits.

    Marvelous Mervo, at your service
    Marvelous Mervo, that's my name
    I'll exercise my best to entertain you
    With magic and laughter, 'crusade that's my game

  • In Zachariah, the Crackers play "Nosotros're the Crackers," in which they brag about being violent criminals. After, they play "Poor but Honest Crackers," near how they're but apprehensive musicians who have never broken a law, to create a lark while Matthew and Zachariah rob a nearby depository financial institution.
  • The Muppet Christmas Carol opens with delightful number on the infamous Scrooge.


  • The songs of the Sorting Hat in Harry Potter.
  • The Bible:
    • Satan in Isaiah fourteen:12-15.
    • There's a rather foreign case at the end of Deuteronomy. Moses' final lesson to Israel before his decease is to teach them a national anthem: a song spelling out the futurity of State of israel, complete with the fact that they will grow rebellious and turn away from God, and that this apostasy will spell disaster for their descendants, ultimately leading to their scatter and the destruction of all simply a remnant.
    • Also, Psalm 51.

    Live-Action Tv

  • The Adventures of Slim Goodbody: The Gobbler'south Villain Song is this, and its lyrics literally say "I'm the Gobbler".
  • "What Y'all Feel" from the Buffy musical episode "Once More With Feeling" is the this as well as being a Villain Vocal, since its an upbeat tune about how hes a demon who destroys whole towns through cheery music, for the episodes villain (who is identified in the credits as Sweet).
  • Batly from Eureeka'southward Castle has one and sings well-nigh how much of a klutz he is.
  • "Nothing Suits Me Similar a Suit" from the 100th episode of How I Met Your Female parent.
  • Each of The Letter People has one.
  • "Santa Barbara Skies" from the Psych musical episode is one for Shawn Spencer


  • This isn't an exclusively Musical Theatre trope. Many rappers have an introduction song, and some bands have theme songs, anthems, or otherwise like I Am Songs.
  • Eminem:
    • Slim Shady, Eminem'due south Heroic Comedic Sociopath alter ego, has many. A proficient fifth of songs performed as Slim Shady are this.
      • "My Name Is..." is the about famous example of this in rap history.
      • While it didn't make him a household proper noun similar "My Proper name Is", the showtime single featuring Slim was "Only Don't Give A Fuck":

        Slim Shady, brain expressionless like Jim Brady
        My proper name is Marshall Mathers, I'm an alcoholic (
        Hi, Marshall)
        I have a disease and they don't know what to call information technology

      • The first introduction to Slim in album track order is "Low Downwardly, Dirty" from Slim Shady EP, which introduces him every bit a Jekyll & Hyde character somewhat unlike to how he appears afterward:

        Wearing visors, sunglasses and disguises
        'Cause my split personality is having an identity crisis
        I'one thousand Dr. Hyde and Mr. Jekyll, disrespectful
        Hearing voices in my head while these whispers echo
        "Murder-murder, redrum!"
        Brain size of a bread nibble
        Which drug will I end up dead from?
        Inebriated 'til my stress is alleviated
        "How in the fuck tin Eminem and Shady be related?"

      • Also from The Slim Shady LP, "I'm Shady":

        Who came through with two Glocks to terrorize your borough? (Huh?)
        Told yous how to slap dips and murder your daughter? (I did)
        Gave yous all the finger and told you to sit down and twirl
        Sold a billion tapes, and still screamed "Fuck the globe"
        (I'one thousand Slim Shady) So come and impale me while my proper name'due south hot
        And shoot me 25 times in the same spot (Ow)

      • From Relapse, "Hello", sort of a Darker and Edgier version of "My Name Is":

        My proper noun is Shady
        I never meant to leave you lot (I never meant to get out you)

    • The Eminem persona, the function of him that is a rapper, performer and handling his celebrity, has several:
      • "The Manner I Am":

        'Cause I am whatever you say I am
        If I wasn't, and then why would I say I am?
        In the paper, the news everyday, I am
        I don't know, it'south just the mode I am

      • "Rap God":

        I'm beginnin' to feel like a Rap God, Rap God
        All my people from the forepart to the dorsum nod, back nod
        Now, who thinks their arms are long plenty to slap box, slap box?

    • The Marshall Mathers persona, notwithstanding...
      • Subverted with "Marshall Mathers", which starts out similar it's going to be an I Am song for the Marshall Mathers persona - the role of him that is a normal person - but spirals into cool, unbelievable violent gibberish past the third line.
      • Similarly, "Marsh" claims to exist from the perspective of Marsh, but is mostly Slim Shady-like content - it'south rapped in a high-pitched, nasal vox, and is about being Ax-Crazy, participating in absurd cartoonish violence against his mother, doing irresponsible amounts of drugs, and making Continuity Nods to "My Proper name Is" and "Without Me".
    • In "Rain Homo", he does an "I Am" Song for himself as he is underneath his personas - reinforced in alive performances of the song, which he begins by specifying that he is no longer Slim Shady, Eminem, or Marshall Mathers.

      Hi, my proper name is...
      - I forgot my name!
      My aim was not to become what I became with this level of fame.
      My soul is possessed by this devil.
      My new name is... Rain Human note A reference to how, like the titular character in Rain Human is a savant, Eminem is useless at anything other than rap. Information technology's too a joking reference to his own autism.

  • Anthrax'southward "I Am The Law" and "I'm the Human."
  • Neil Diamond's "I Am... I Said".
  • Michael Jackson's "Bad".
  • "Jesus of Bourgeoisie", "St. Jimmy" and "She's a Rebel" from Greenish Twenty-four hours's American Idiot.
  • "Back In NYC" from The Lamb Lies Downwards on Broadway serves this purpose for the main character, Rael.
  • John Denver'due south "The Hawkeye and the Militarist": "I am the eagle, I alive in high country...I am the hawk, and there'southward blood on my feathers..."
  • The Rolling Stones' "Sympathy for the Devil." from Beggars Feast
  • "I'grand the Urban Spaceman" past The Bonzo Dog Band
  • Kiss' "I" from Music from "The Elder"
  • "I Am Woman," Helen Reddy's 1973 anthem to feminism.
  • Simon & Garfunkel'south "I Am a Rock."
  • Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention'southward "Help, I'm a Stone" from Freak Out. "I'm the Slime" is a combination of this and Villain Song.
  • "The Vocal of Sunset" from Märchen isn't an "I am" song so much as information technology's a "Who am I?" vocal in which the eponymous character knows nothing of who he once was, but that he'due south woken upwardly at the bottom of a well with a Creepy Doll in his arms and feels an intense want to enact revenge and seeks to satisfy information technology past granting the risk at revenge to others.
  • "Nemesis" past Curvation-Enemy.
  • "Prophecy" from Judas Priest'south concept album, Nostradamus, is the I Am Song for Nostradamus himself.
  • Voltaire'due south song "When You're Evil" is a classic I Am Song for any villain.
  • The Devil gets one in Showbread's song "The Goat (Nervosa)". Virtually every line is a clarification of what he is, and every other set of words is "I am." Also, in their song "The Sky (Anorexia)", the refrain is a deathly and commanding "I AM."
  • Grottomatic has "I Am."
  • By contrast, Theocracy non only represent Christian Metallic on this list, only the trope is played as near totally direct as can be, as nigh every single lyric begins with the words "I am" as an autobiographical description of God.
  • A common trope for Crush twoscore, most notably I Am (All of Me)
  • Marian Telephone call has ii: "Vanilla (I'm Not Sexy)" is a proclamation of her general uncoolness (in a positive way) while "I'll Still Be A Geek Subsequently Nobody Thinks It'south Chichi" is a geek anthem.
  • The Monkees' theme vocal ("Hey Hey We're the Monkees!")
    • A cocky-deconstructed 1 appears in their moving-picture show, Head ("Hey, HEY we are The Monkees! You know we love to please! A manufactured epitome, with no philosophies...").
  • Portal'south "Still Alive" is a pretty unproblematic 1:

    I'1000 doing scientific discipline and I'm Still Live
    I feel fantastic and I'thou Still Alive
    When y'all're dying I'll exist Still Alive
    And when you're dead I will exist All the same Alive

  • "Split" past Disturbed, also as 'Indestructible', 'I'thou Alive', and a few others.

    I am a piddling more provocative then you might need
    It is your shock and then your horror on which I feed
    So tin yous tell me what exactly does freedom hateful
    If I'm not free to be as twisted every bit I want to be?
    Don't wanna be some other player losing in this game
    I'm trying to impress upon yous, we're not the same
    My psychotic mentality is so unique
    I'g i aggressive motherfucker, now wouldn't you say?

  • The Beatles' "I Am the Walrus" from Magical Mystery Tour.
  • The Decemberists seem to like this trope, simply, as so many of their songs are almost writ every bit monologues, this is hardly surprising.
    • "The Engine Commuter", "Leslie Anne Levine", and "The Legionnaire's Lament" stand out equally the best examples.
    • "The Mariner's Revenge Vocal" is basically one guy telling some other guy who he is inside of a whale.
  • "Nosotros Are the Globe", past Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie, sung past USA for Africa.
  • Doctor Steel's songs "Lament for a Toy Factory", "Dr. Steel", and "The Dr. Steel Bear witness"
  • The GWAR theme song.
  • Bharat Arie's "Video" is a pure example. Video Lyrics
  • Sabaton's "Carolus Rex" is this for Male monarch Charles XII of Sweden.
  • Ix Inch Nails has three: "Mr. Cocky-Destruct," "Big Human with a Gun," and "Sanctified."
  • "Lecher Bowwow" by the Genitorturers.
  • Roy Harper wrote 'The Lord'south Prayer' every bit a sort of musical concluding volition and attestation when he believed he was dying. Information technology contains 104 descriptions of himself, each beginning with 'who' or 'whose'. 'The Lord's Prayer' is also a sterling example of a listing vocal.
  • LMFAO's "Sexy and I Know It."
  • Metallica's "The View"
    • I AM THE Tabular array!
    • As well Metallica's "Anywhere I Roam."
  • The Who (or at least Pete Townshend) were fond of these: Tommy alone has "Cousin Kevin", "Acrid Queen", "Dabble About" and "Sensation". Other examples include "I'g a Boy", "The Real Me" and "Behind Blue Eyes".
  • Devo's anthem "Jocko Homo" doubles as an I Am Song and a manifesto for their "de-evolution" concept:

    They tell us that we lost our tails
    evolving up from lilliputian snails.
    I say it's all but current of air in sails:
    Are we not men? (We are DEVO!)
    Are we not men? (D-E-V-O!)

    • "Finish, Wait, and Listen", an early demo on the Hardcore Devo compilation, more directly refers to the band ("I hear em' coming, gonna mess up the plumbing/Information technology'due south D-East-V-O! From O-H-I-O!")
    • "Smart Patrol/Mr. Dna", in which Devo announce themselves collectively every bit the Smart Patrol ("suburban robots who monitor reality") who are ultimately subjected to self-sacrifice past the "homo with a plan," Mr. DNA.
    • "Speed Racer" is an I Am Song for four different characters, presented in society in each verse ("I'yard Speed Racer and I drive real fast..."; "I'm a big pirate and I like to steal..."; "I'k a Barbie doll but I've got brains..."; " "I'chiliad your doctor and hither'southward the bill...") and reprised all together in the terminal poetry.
  • Overlapping with Vocalizer Namedrop, the chorus of "Infinity" by Infinity Ink repeats the line, "Oh, you know we are the Infinity."
  • The Roches introduced themselves with "We," the first song on their offset album, The Roches. They began by merely singing their names: "Nosotros are Maggie and Terre and Suzzy Roche."
  • Maria Conchita Alonso's "Soy Tu Mujer"
  • Fats Domino's "I'm Walkin'."
  • Ratt's "I'm Insane" crosses this with Sanity Slippage Song.
  • "I'm A Boinger" by Billy And The Boingers, from Billy And The Boingers: Bootleg.
  • The Ramones' "I'm Against Information technology' from Road to Ruin.
  • "I Am the Alter-Destiny" by Dominicus Ra from Space Is The Place.
  • The Raubtier track "Panzarmarsch" is one, told from the perspective of a decommissioned Leopard II MBT being returned to service.
  • Queen has several examples, notably "We Will Rock You/We Are The Champions", "Invisible Homo", "Princess of the Universe" and "Don't Stop Me At present".
  • "My Name is Prince", by Prince, naturally.
  • "WE ARE MILKCAN!" from MilkCan's Make It Sugariness!, equally you can guess from the title.

    Rockin' to the rhythm, rollin' with the beat.
    Here we come, here nosotros come, hold on to your seat!
    Cheerful and pleasing, cute and appealing.
    Give it up, requite it upwardly, tin can y'all feel the heat?
    We're the girls from effectually the cake.
    Gorgeous sweet and nosotros love to rock.

  • Meshuggah brings us I am Colossus from Koloss.

    ''I am life. I'g death. Y'all belong to me
    Telephone call me what I am. I am colossus

  • BABYMETAL takes it Up to Eleven in "BABYMETAL DEATH"; the just lyrics in the song are Japanese puns on "I am..."

    SU-Metallic Decease (I am Su-metallic.)
    YUIMETAL Expiry (I am Yuimetal.)
    MOAMETAL Death (I am Moametal.)
    BABYMETAL Death (Nosotros are Babymetal.)

  • The second aria of Schweigt stille, plaudert nicht is Lieschen singing about her love for coffee.
  • Anaal Nathrakh brings united states "I am the Wrath of Gods and the Desolation of the World" from In the Constellation of the Black Widow.
  • 3 Days Grace performed "I Am Machine".
  • In Steeleye Span's Wintersmith concept album, the Nac Mac Feegle have "Wee Free Men" and the Summer Lady and Wintersmith accept "Burn and Ice".
  • Miracle of Sound: Numerous songs are written from the first-person perspective of the or a main character from a given work equally they depict themselves in song.
  • The bulk of Christian praise music is, unsurprisingly, "You Are" songs about God and/or Jesus, many adapted directly from the Psalms or other Bible passages, with the occasional Villain Sucks song about Satan thrown in for good measure out.
  • "Raven in the Storm" by John Gorka is a particularly ominous version of this trope, mayhap crossed with A Storm Is Coming.
  • The American Folk vocal "A Man of Constant Sorrow" first line begins with "I am…" and has a human describing himself and his life:

    I am a man of constant sorrow.
    I've seen trouble all my day.
    I bid farewell to former Kentucky.
    The place where I was born and raised.

    For six long years I've been in trouble.
    No pleasures here on earth I plant.
    For in this world I'1000 jump to constitutional.
    I have no friends to help me now.

  • The American Folk vocal "Roving Gambler" is some other folk song that starts "I am…" this time the singer is describing how his life as roving gambler led to him spending time in jail.

    ''I am a roving gambler I gambled all around.
    Whenever I see with a deck of cards.
    I lay my money down.
    Lay my money down, lay my money down.


    Pro Wrestling

  • A number of Professional Wrestling entrance themes (at least the ones with lyrics) fit this pattern. Of particular notation:
    • AJ Styles' theme in TNA, in one incarnation, was actually titled "I Am." The later remix, "Become Ready to Wing", has completely unlike lyrics, only is still an I Am song.
      • Stable Fortune'due south theme has this: "We are, nosotros are! Fortune Four!"
    • Triple H: "I am the game, yous don't wanna play me..."
    • Chyna's theme was titled "Who I Am."
    • "I am Lei'D Tapa, the Queen of Rings"
    • Filly Cabana'due south theme, "Smash Smash", is more of a He Is song, simply otherwise fits the trope well, talking most Colt walking away from "Corporate America" (i.e. WWE), his love of Chicago, and his want to create "Expert times, cracking memories".


  • "Weald Barbie" is the I Am Vocal for 9 to five: The Musical. Funny enough, following it being written for the musical itself, Dolly Parton decided to utilise it for the title track of her anthology Backwoods Barbie, so not only is it the I Am Vocal for the musical, but it is for Parton personally also.
  • The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee: "I'thousand Non That Smart" (Leaf), "I Speak Half dozen Languages" (Marcy) and "Woe Is Me" (Schwartzy).
  • "The Lees of Sometime Virginia" in 1776. Richard Henry Lee giving a laundry listing most why he, his family, and Virginia are undeniab-LEE the best thing in America in the hammiest way possible.
  • "Hey, Tom Sawyer" from The Adventures of Tom Sawyer establishes Tom'south cunning, mischievous graphic symbol, although it is technically more a "He Is" song.
  • "Fortune Favors the Dauntless" for Radames in Aida.
    • And "My Strongest Conform" for Amneris.
    • "How I Know You" is sort of an I Am vocal for Mereb every bit he details his backstory...which then turns into a Y'all Are song for Aida as he reveals(the first time it'south revealed in the show) that he knows she is the Nubian princess.
  • "Hooray for Captain Spaulding" from Beast Crackers. One of the few songs from the original stage show retained for the film.
  • "I'grand a Bad, Bad Man" for Frank Butler in Annie Get Your Gun.
  • An interesting example in Stephen Sondheim's Assassins: in "Unworthy of Your Honey" where John Hinckley Jr. and Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme sing for their respective Dearest Interests. While at first information technology sounds like an "I Want" Song, information technology's actually nigh Hinckley and Fromme'due south insecurity and how they are completely lost in their lives. It fifty-fifty begins with 'I am'.
    • "Another National Anthem" is i for the Assassins in general.
  • "What Do You Do With a BA In English / Information technology Sucks To Be Me" from Avenue Q serves as an I Am Song for more half the bandage: Princeton, Kate Monster, Brian, Christmas Eve, Rod, Nicky and Gary each get a verse. Additionally, "Special" is Lucy The Slut's I Am Song.
    • "Everyone's A Little Fleck Racist" is a We Are Song where the cast acknowledges that they all carry unconscious biases.
  • "The Lady Is A Tramp" from Babes In Arms.
  • Probably the most famous opera case: "Largo al factotum della città" (aka "Figaro's introduction") from The Hairdresser Of Seville.

    "Figaro hither, Figaro there, Figaro upwards, Figaro down, swifter and swifter, I'm like a thunderbolt: I'thou the factotum of the city!"

  • The title character of Barnum gets ii in "There'southward a Sucker Born Ev'ry Minute" and "The Prince of Humbug".
  • "Make clean the Kit" in The Beautiful Game for John.
  • "Independent (On My Own)" from Bells Are Ringing.
  • Rodolfo and Mimi'southward introductory songs "Che gelida manina" and "Si, mi chiamano Mimì" from La Bohème.
  • "How Lovely to be a Woman" from Bye Cheerio Baboon.
  • "I Am What I Am" from La Cage aux folles.
  • "The Hostess With The Mostes'" from Call Me Madam.
  • "C'est moi", from Camelot establishes Lancelot'south puissance and hubris. (Notice the literal translation of the title).
    • "I Wonder What the King is Doing Tonight" (sung past Arthur himself) establishes his fallibility.
  • The aria "Glitter and be Gay" from Leonard Bernstein's Candide establishes Cunegonde's office in society as a Socialite in a Gilt Cage.
  • Cats is nothing only I Am Songs (or rather, You Are Songs in most cases).
  • From the 2013 accommodation of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory:
    • "Almost Well-nigh Perfect" establishes Charlie Bucket'southward creative nature and Cheerful Child disposition, despite his hardscrabble life.
    • Augustus Gloop and his family have "More than of Him to Love", which claims that the male child is Big Fun but reveals he's really more of a Fat Bastard.
    • "When Veruca Says" establishes both her Greed and her begetter's indulgent nature.
    • "The Double Chimera Duchess" is a Boastful Rap for the gum-chewing starlet and her Shameless Self-Promoter dad.
    • "It's Teavee Time" has Mrs. Teavee desperately trying to convince the media that her son's just a little choked and that they have an idyllic, 1960s sitcom-inspired life, but failing miserably — especially when Mike himself speaks up.
    • Willy Wonka has the bridge part of his "I Am Great!" Song "It Must Be Believed to Be Seen" and "But Second Nature" (which overlaps with I Am What I Am) to establish that his strange creations are borne of a desire to brand the world a lovelier place, even if others don't understand or fully appreciate what he's doing.
  • Chess has quite a few as well. Freddie'south lyrics in Merano, Where I Desire to Be for Anatoly and Someone Else'southward Story for either Florence or Svetlana. Plus Molokov and Svetlana'southward new songs in the Stockholm version.
    • Arguably, "Pity The Child" for Freddie besides.
  • Chicago
    • "All I Care About Is Love" . Of class, he's lying, merely...
    • Mama likewise has her own song, "When Yous're Expert to Mama", which is more authentic (metaphorically, anyway).
    • Amos has "Mr. Cellophane".
  • In Children of Eden, Yonah has a song about how she is not a "Stranger to the Rain", which establishes her as The Woobie because she is descended from Cain.
  • The Cobbler'south Song from Chu Mentum Chow (Only non "I am Chu Mentum Chow").
  • The off-Broadway musical Closer Than Ever has "Life Story," in which a middle-aged woman reflects on the choices she's made and the experiences she's had throughout her life. Information technology differs slightly from the average "I Am" Vocal in that the musical is a revue, and as such, this vocal is the only fourth dimension the audition encounters this particular grapheme.
  • Curtains: "I practice the Kama Sutra with a Richard Rodgers score. It's a Business."
  • "A Piffling Brains, A Little Talent" from Damn Yankees.
  • Dear Evan Hansen has "Waving Through A Window" which is sung past Evan and establishes his astringent social feet.
  • In Dingy Rotten Scoundrels, "Great Big Stuff" is both an I Am Song and an "I Want" Song.
  • Disney's Alice in Wonderland Jr. adds two 'I Am' songs not in the movie:
    • "Sea of Tears" for the Dullard Bird
    • "Whooooo Are Youuuuu?" for the three Alices
  • Drood has "A Man Could Go Quite Mad" for Jasper and "The Wages of Sin" for Princess Puffer.
  • "I Am Aldopho" from The Drowsy Chaperone.
  • "Good Quondam Reliable Jake" and "Bit Role Demon" from Evil Dead: The Musical, although "Good Old Reliable Jake" is consist of nothing only Blatant Lies.
  • "Oh, What a Circus" is sung by Che, only completely describes Evita's office in the musical named for her.
  • "Tradition" from Fiddler on the Roof is a Nosotros Are Song.
  • "I Enjoy Being A Girl" from Flower Drum Vocal.
  • "Daphne Dreams" from Fly By Night.
  • "I'm The Greatest Star" from Funny Girl.
  • "Bring Me My Helpmate", Miles Gloriosus' song from A Funny Thing Happened on the Mode to the Forum.
    • Which is likewise an "I Desire" Song, as the title suggests.
    • Also "Lovely" for Philia and... well, half the songs in the play.
  • "A Piffling Girl from Little Rock" from Gentlemen Adopt Blondes.
  • Gilbert and Sullivan love these. To list just a few:
    • The Mikado: "A Wand'ring Minstrel I" (Nanki-Poo), "Behold The Lord High Executioner" (Ko-Ko), "Three Niggling Maids From Schoolhouse Are Nosotros" (Yum-Yum, Pitti-Sing, Peep-Bo), "A More than Humane Mikado Never Did In Nippon Exist"
    • The Pirates of Penzance: "O, Improve Far to Live and Die" (or "I Am A Pirate King"), "I Am The Very Model of a Mod Major Full general"
    • H.1000.S. Pinafore: "I'm Called Little Buttercup", "I Am The Monarch of the Sea" and "When I was a lad" (Sir Joseph), "I Am The Captain of the Pinafore" (Captain Corcoran), "Nosotros sail the sea bluish" (the crew).
    • Princess Ida: "We Are Warriors Three" (Arac, Guron, and Scynthius), "If Yous Give Me Your Attention" (Gama)
    • The Gondoliers: "We're Chosen Gondolieri" (Marco and Giuseppe), "In Enterprise Of Martial Kind" (Duke of Plaza-Toro)
    • The Sorcerer: "My Proper noun is John Wellington Wells", "Love Feeds on Many Kinds of Food"
    • Patience: "If Y'all Want a Receipt For That Pop Mystery" (Colonel)
    • Iolanthe: "Practiced Morrow, Skilful Mother" (Strephon), "The Police is the True Apotheosis" and "When I Went to the Bar" (The Lord Chancellor), "My well-loved lord" (Phyllis), "When all nighttime long, a chap remains" (Individual Willis)
    • Trial by Jury: "When I, expert friends, was called to the Bar" (The Judge).
  • "Some People" from Gypsy, also equally "Rose'due south Turn" and "Niggling Lamb".
  • "Colored Spade", "Manchester England", "I Got Life" and probably more than from Pilus. That whole show was basically an I Am Song for the hippies.
  • "Miss Baltimore Crabs" from Hairspray.
  • Heathers has "Candy Store" for all the Heathers simply especially Heather Chandler, and "Freeze Your Brain" for JD. In add-on, "Beautiful" is a We Are song in a "what have nosotros become" sorta way.
  • "Angry Inch" from Hedwig and the Angry Inch.
  • "I Put My Manus in There" for the championship character of Hello, Dolly!!. Replaced in the film version past the Movie Bonus Song "Just Leave Everything To Me".
  • In How to Succeed in Concern Without Really Trying,"The Visitor Way" shows Mr. Twimble's role is as caput of the mail room at the World Wide Wicket corporation: being a consummate Yes-Human being so that the company higher-ups volition hopefully go on him effectually if any major shake-ups happens.

    Mr. Twimble: Whoever the company fires, I will still exist here.

  • Just about every character in Keating! has one:
    • Bob Hawke gets "My Right Manus Homo" (sorta. It's more about Keating, simply it applies to him too).
    • Keating himself gets "Do It in Style".
    • John Hewson has his role of "On The Floor".
    • Gareth Evans and Cheryl Kernot have "Heavens, Mister Evans".
    • Alexander Downer has "Freaky".
    • John Howard has "Ability" (which doubles as his Villain Song).
  • Königskinder has "Bin ein lustiger Jägersmann" ("I am a happy huntsman") for the King's Son. (This was 1 of the many musical numbers that were spoken through rather than fully sung in the original melodrama version.)
  • "Always True to You lot" from Kiss Me, Kate.
  • Legally Blonde has a late-in the story version in the song "Legally Blonde", in which Elle, later seeing her future in constabulary disappear, dejectedly expresses that she's nothing but what everyone always idea ("some girls fight difficult, some face the trial, some girls were but meant to smiling").
    • In the "remix" version a scene afterward, Elle reclaims her confidence with a much more than upbeat "I Am" song, in which she finally figures out an identity encompassing both her legal talents and her "sorority girl" personality, as exemplified by her pinkish conform.
  • Despite the proper noun, "I Want More", from Lestat is actually Claudia'south I Am Song. (Her "I Want" Song is "I'll Never Take That Run a risk").
  • "The Beauty Is" for Clara from The Light in the Piazza.
  • The Lightning Thief, the musical adaptation of the outset book in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians serial, has "Son of Poseidon" for Percy.
  • "Now", "Shortly", and "Afterward" (for Fredrik, Anne, and Henrik respectively) from A Little Dark Music. "The Glamorous Life" might count as Desiree's.
  • Little Store of Horrors has "Dentist!" for Orin Scrivello. Additionally, the picture version has "Mean Light-green Female parent From Outer Space" for Audrey Ii.
  • "My Proper name Is Samuel Cooper" from Dearest Life.
  • "Der Vogelfänger Bin Ich Ja" (I Am the Birdcatcher, Yes) from The Magic Flute, sung by Papageno.
  • "I, Don Quixote" from Human of La Mancha qualifies for this as its first reprise - non to be confused with its second reprise, which is more of an I Am What I Am song. Aldonza besides gets such a song with "It's Notwithstanding".
  • You volition probably never get a more than literal instance than "I'm Martin Guerre."
  • The bitterly ironic "Rich and Happy" from Merrily We Roll Along: Frank has sold out his principles, abandoned his dreams and destroyed his most important friendship... merely he'south "rich and famous and therefore happy also". And if you believe that, there's a span in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you.
  • Les Misérables has a boatload: for Fantine, it's "I Dreamed a Dream". For Thenardier, we go "Principal of the Business firm". "Stars" for Inspector Javert, although it borders on the "I Desire" Song, but then, Javert's character is divers by its goals. And for Jean Valjean, it's the side-splittingly obvious name for an I Am Song: "Who Am I?"
  • "I'1000 an Ordinary Homo" from My Off-white Lady is an introduction to Henry Higgins and his misogyny.
    • "With a Little Chip of Luck" establishes Eliza's male parent Alfred as a slacker, drinker and womanizer.

    The Lord above gave man an arm of iron
    So he could do his job and never shirk
    The Lord to a higher place gave man an arm of atomic number 26, but
    With a fiddling bit of luck, with a picayune bit of luck,
    Someone else'll practice the blinkin' work!

  • The "Prologue" from Natasha, Pierre, and the Corking Comet of 1812 serves as an "I Am" vocal for every non-ensemble character in the testify—even Andrey, who isn't at that place!
    • "Pierre" is Pierre's, naturally.
    • "Balaga" is an extended version of Balaga's brief verse in "Prologue".
  • Next to Normal
    • "I'm Alive" takes this pretty literally, half the lyrics starting with "I am..."
    • "I Am The One".
    • "Superboy and the Invisible Girl" combines this with a "I Desire" Vocal, most how Natalie feels she is always ignored, and wishes she could be free of her female parent's expectations;

    Take a look at the invisible girl/ Here she is clear as the day

    Please look closely and find her earlier she fades abroad

  • "An Orthodox Fool" from No Strings.
  • "Howdy In that location (I'm Oedipus Tex)" from P.D.Q. Bach'south Oedipus Tex.
  • "I Was The Virtually Beautiful Blossom" in Of Thee I Sing is more accurately described as an "I was" song, only information technology defines Diana to the extent that she sings its start bars on her subsequent entrances.

    Wintergreen: Y'all like that song, don't you?

    • Also: "We're the one, ii, three, four, v, six, seven, eight, nine Supreme Court judges..."
  • "I Cain't Say No" from Oklahoma!!
  • Bill Sykes' "My Name" from Oliver!.
  • "I Tin can Cook, Too" from On the Town.
  • In In one case Upon a Mattress, Princess Winnifred gets i in "Shy". Queen Aggravain's is "Sensitivity", and then "The Minstrel, The Jester, and I" for the Minstrel, Jester, and King.
  • "Johnny's Theme/The Dreamer" from Only Yous Can Save Mankind: The Musical, establishes Johnny as, well, a dreamer, albeit more than confident in that role than the book version:

    Me, I'yard a dreamer and I choose to be,
    Information technology'southward my dreams that will set the world gratuitous.
    Me, I'thousand a dreamer, it's my destiny,
    Look around, see the world that I come across.

  • "I Jupiter, I King" from Out of This Earth (1987).
  • "Advantages of Floating In the Centre of the Ocean" is pretty much the I Am Song for all of Nippon in Sondheim'southward Pacific Overtures.
  • "Wand'rin' Star" from Paint Your Railroad vehicle.
  • "How Can I Call This Home?" for Leo in Parade.
    • Leo too gets the much more somber "Information technology'due south Hard to Speak My Heart" nigh the very end of the first act.
  • Passion has "I Read" for Fosca, a balmy chat almost a borrowed book taking a sharp right turn into a slightly unhinged, passionate song explaining Fosca'southward philosophy, tinged with mental illness, and hinting at her tragic backstory.
  • The Phantom of the Opera has "Stranger Than You Dreamt It" after Christine removes the Phantom's mask.
  • Pippin has "Spread a Little Sunshine" for Fastrada, "Kind of Woman" for Catherine and "Extraordinary" for Pippin himself.
  • "I Got Plenty O' Nuttin'" from Porgy and Bess.
  • The Producers has "The King of Broadway." Though in this case, information technology's more of an "I used to exist" song. This song doesn't appear in the pic adaptation of the musical, however.
    • Roger De Bris and Carmen Ghia have "Keep it Gay" though it is in part an "I Desire" Song nearly his want to brand more lighthearted productions.
    • Ulla has "When You lot got information technology, Flaunt it.''
  • "Out This night" from Rent begins as an "I am" song for Mimi (as in, I am a sexy Latina firecracker) and ends equally an "I want" song when she gets into Roger'south flat.
  • Six is chock-full of these:
    • "Ex-Wives" is a rare group We Are song performed by all the queens.
    • "Don't Lose Ur Head" sung by Anne Boleyn.
    • "Heart of Stone" sung past Jane Seymour.
    • "Become Downwardly" sung past Anna of Cleves. Likewise a Boastful Rap.
    • "All Yous Wanna Practise" sung by Katherine Howard. Interesting version every bit information technology is mostly about how she is shallowly seen by others.
    • "6" is another group We Are song performed by all the queens. Also doubles as a We Are Condign Vocal.
  • "His Name is Lancelot" from Spamalot is more than of an "Just Admit Information technology, You Are" song.
    • There is also "Laker Girls Cheer" with Arthur declaring that he is Arthur, Rex of the Britons.
  • "All That's Known" from Spring Enkindling.
  • "A Cockeyed Optimist" from South Pacific.
  • Strike Up The Band had "A Typical, Self-Fabricated American" and "The Unofficial Spokesman" for Horace J. Fletcher (who, judging from his song, made himself much like Sir Joseph Porter did) and Colonel Holmes.
  • "The Hairdresser and His Married woman" from Sweeney Todd: The Demon Hairdresser of Armada Street, though the title character who sings this speaks of himself in those days in the past tense because as far as he's concerned, That Homo Is Dead. It gets a Dark Reprise at the finish of the play later Sweeney unknowingly kills his wife, learns of Mrs. Lovett'due south treachery in not telling him said wife was however alive, and then throws her in the oven.
    • Another example for Todd is, of form, his role of "The Ballad of Sweeney Todd".
    • Meanwhile, Mrs. Lovett has "The Worst Pies in London", which tells y'all just nigh everything yous need to know about that grapheme in two minutes flat.
    • And Adolpho Pirelli gets his entrance which actually opens with the lines "I am Adolpho Pirelli, / Da rex of da barbers..."
  • "Non For the Life of Me" for the title graphic symbol of Thoroughly Mod Millie.
  • "30/90" for Johnny in tick, tick... Boom!
  • In Vanities: The Musical, "An Organized Life" is this for Kathy, in addition to being an "I Want" Song, and in its Dark Reprise it becomes her BSoD Song and "I Am Becoming" Song. The get-go two productions also had "Hey There, Beautiful", which was later replaced by "I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing". Also, the closing song "Letting Go" from the Pasadena Playhouse and ACT Theatre productions.
  • "Dissimilar Equally Can Be" from A Very Potter Musical is a duet I Am Vocal for Quirrell and Voldemort
    • Hermione gets "Coolest Girl" in the sequel.
  • "The Jet Song" from Due west Side Story.
  • Wicked:
    • "A Sentimental Man" is a subversion. The Wizard believes what he's saying, only it's only afterwards that the audience finds that he has his own ideas most who qualifies as a "citizen of Oz" and that part of his motivation for helping Elphaba is to use her magic for his ain ends.
    • "Defying Gravity" is more than of an "I Am Becoming" vocal, since Elphaba's unabridged character for the 2nd act stems from that song...both the skillful and the bad.
    • "Popular" is an interesting twist, every bit information technology's supposed to exist well-nigh Elphaba and Galinda'south attempt at making her, well, pop. Even so, it'south quite clear that Galinda'due south programme for achieving this is to brand Elphie equally much like her as possible, thus making it an "I Am" Vocal.
  • From the 2000 Andrew Lippa stage adaptation ofThe Wild Political party:
    • "Queenie was a Blonde" for Queenie.
    • "Look at Me Now" and "Life of the Party" for Kate.
  • The Wiz subverts this with both "Mean Ole Lion", the Cowardly Lion's introductory song, in which he presents himself as anything but cowardly, and "So You Wanted to Meet the Wizard" for the Wiz'due south flashy, smoke-and-mirrors entrance.
  • Wonderland has "Mad Hatter" for, well, Exactly What It Says on the Tin.
  • Pretty much every vocal in Working is either this, an "I Desire" Song, or both.
  • "Y'all're a Good Human being, Charlie Dark-brown," in the Peanuts musical of the aforementioned name.

    Video Games

  • Cuphead has Die House, sung by Male monarch Dice.
  • In Terminal Fantasy XIV, many of the themes for the trial bosses have lyrics explaining their personality and nature. Since most are adversaries if non outright villains, it often overlaps with Villain Song.
    • The song Shadowbringers - the theme for the titular expansion - is a bait-and-switch for the Warrior of Calorie-free themselves. While most of the song details the struggles and fate of the Beginning, a abiding refrain of 'One Brings Shadow, One Brings the Calorie-free' eventually culminates in the vocal closing with 'I am Shadow, I Am The Light.' Notably, the trailer this vocal debuted to has the iconic Warrior of Light struggling beyond the apocalyptic wasteland of the Showtime, seemingly broken and all hope lost, and the last line is said as the Warrior becomes a Dark Knight to slay a Sin Eater, indicating his transformation to the Warrior of Darkness.
      • It takes on a further meaning every bit information technology is used during the first phase of the expansion's concluding dominate, Emet-Selch/Hades, as you are fighting an Ascian - the harbingers of darkness - and win past turning the light y'all've contained over the expansion against him. Despite 1 of the expansion'southward big plot hooks being you becoming the Warrior of Darkness and some of the twists indicating Hydaelyn and the Low-cal every bit a power may not be as benevolent equally initially idea, your Warrior withal returns to the light, needing to embrace both it and darkness to win. I am shadow, I am the light, indeed.
  • In Total Distortion, the 3 rock stars that you lot meet in-game each accept at least one of these in the songs they play.
  • I am more than a fish! I am more than a man! Death will ascent! From the tides! I AM MURLOC!
  • In the elevators of Mother three's Empire Porky Building, you lot tin can hear the creepy music entitled "I Am Porky".
  • Sonic the Hedgehog
    • Shadow the Hedgehog'south theme song for his titular game, which is (seriously) named "I Am... All of Me".

    "Can you lot encounter all of me? Walk into my mystery. Step inside, concur on for dear life. Practice you lot remember me? Capture y'all or gear up you lot gratis? I am all, I am all of me. I am, I'm all of me."

    "Information technology doesn't matter now what happens. I will never surrender the fight. At that place is no fashion I will run away from all of my pride. As long every bit the vocalism within me says 'go' I will always keep on running. There is no mode to stop me from going to the very top. Information technology doesn't matter who is wrong and who is right."

    • Also Knuckles's Unknown from K.Eastward. Although the song has different lyrics in Sonic Adventure and Sonic Risk 2, both versions count. The former is a better case though.
    • Space'south theme from Sonic Forces is basically simply one big Badass Avowal well-nigh how powerful he is.

    ''I'm the tallest of mountains, I am the roughest of waves. I'm the toughest of terrors, I am the darkest of days. I'm the final one that'south continuing, don't try to stand in my way. 'Cause I've been upward against improve, just have a await at my face up!

  • "I am The Great Mighty Poo / And I'm going to throw my shit at you..."
  • "I am the very model of a scientist salariaaaaaaaaaaan!"
  • "I'm Charlie Murder, and Murder is my name!"
  • In Killer Instinct, TJ-Combo is a boxer who was revealed to exist using implanted titanium in his artillery to stay on top. After existence exposed to the world for refusing to Chore a lucifer, he ripped the implants out and, thanks to a minor Healing Factor the implants had bestowed upon him, he was before long on the road to redemption as The Atoner. His theme song is him affirming his decision to come clean:

    It feels skillful without the implants in me. Here to show the world that my skills more than skin deep. I charge in a current of air speed, moving in a frenzy. Testify I'm the Gnaw, leave them something to green-eyed
    I stay defiant in the sweet science. Ready to rumble in the jungle on these weak lions. I'm a legend and a Street Giant. Think you tin can last 3 rounds against me? Fool! keep trying!
    I'm back to Ascent! I'm dorsum to Glow! I'one thousand back to Fly! I'm back to Soar! I'm back to War! Let the truth exist Told! I feel on burn down when my passion Flow!

  • The Total War: Warhammer series features two of these: One for the Vampire Coast (called the "Shanty of Tattered Sails) in the second game and one for the Ogre Kingdoms (with no offical proper noun) in the third. Both are used to reveal what the respective factions practise for a living, which is to say plunder and pillage and consuming everything in sight respectively.

    Web Comics

    Web Original

  • "I'm New Here" from Twilight The Musical plays this quite blatantly.

    Edward Cullen: I am a vampire!

  • ''Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Weblog.
    • "A Human being'due south Gotta Do" starts out every bit an "I Want" Vocal for Dr. Horrible merely then Captain Hammer hijacks it and makes it his very own, very hammy I Am Song.
    • "Bad Equus caballus Chorus" for the Animal Supervillain Bad Horse, actually a "He Is" song.
    • "Penny's Song", appropriately, for Penny.
  • Tenerence Love's "R&B intermission" from the song "Rap Vocal" from Homestar Runner for some reason composes entirely of his own name:

    Well, My name is Tenerence Love
    Plus my name is Tenerence Dearest
    Divided past my name is Tenerence Love
    Equals my proper name is Tenereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnnce Dearest!
    Remainder three!

  • "I am a millipede! I am astonishing!"
  • I'm a reckoner! I'm a figurer-y guy! Everything made out of buttons and wires!
  • The My Little Pony: Equestria Girls – Rainbow Rocks shorts give one to the reformed Sunset Shimmer, "My By Is Not Today", describing her decision to overcome her nighttime history and brainstorm afresh.
  • Youtuber Goldentusk wrote and filmed a serial of videos in which he created lyrics for classic picture show scores, turning many of them into this trope. Notable examples are his versions of the 1976 Superman theme and the 1989 Batman theme.
  • RWBY has a few of these in its soundtrack.
    • Yang gets I Burn and Armed and Set up among others. The former describes her as a a badass fighter who can't be browbeaten and showcases her hot blooded and boisterous personality. The latter has to do with her character development afterwards the Fall of Buoy and losing her arm to Adam, detailing how she's getting through her hurting and becoming stronger for information technology.
    • Strangely enough, Neon Katt of all people, gets a song called Neon, a very peppy, pop song full of back-handed compliments telling someone how they can work really hard and possibly get to exist well-nigh as amazing as she is.
    • Weiss has several songs such as Mirror Mirror and Information technology's My Turn, the one-time about her alone life with a neglectful and abusive begetter who has controlled her every choice in life, and made her believe she would never amount to annihilation without him. The latter explains how she is realizing how wrong her father was and how she is finally finding independence.
    • Emerald and Mercury share the song I'chiliad the Ane, which plays during their friction match against Coco and Yatsuhashi. The vocal is about how the two take gone through hell and come out stronger, and equally a result will beat out their opponents.

    Western Animation

  • Animaniacs: The song "I am the Very Model of a Drawing Individual."
  • Batman: The Brave and the Bold:
    • "Birds of Prey" is a "We Are" song by, of form, the Birds of Casualty.
    • Bullies used to choice on him because he sang in choir, just something very strange occurred when he kept singing college. The ruffians effectually him quickly fell into a trance, and it was then— with wicked glee—he made those puppets trip the light fantastic toe! He's the MUSIC MEISTER!
  • The Cat in the Hat: "True cat, hat] In French, conversation, lid. In Spanish, el gato in a sombrero. In German language, I'm a Katze in a Hut, and don't you know, I'thou a gwonka in a bonkequank... in Eskimo."
  • Centaurworld:
    • "Holes, Part 2": "Butt of the Joke" is a song by Horse's tail nearly how he loves being a comedian and in the spotlight.
    • "The Rift: Function ane": Parodied when Comfortable Doug crashes the farewell party to sing about how he'southward Comfortable Doug and is, in fact, very comfy.
  • Donald Duck: Donald's theme tune: "Who's got the sweetest disposition? One guess, that'south who!"
  • Justice League Unlimited has Batman sing "Am I Blue" for Circe as a payment of something he can never regain in the episode "This Petty Piggy". Circe and Zatanna love information technology so much it brings a tear to their eyes.
  • Jem: the Misfits sing a song chosen "I am A Giant," which literally has footage of Pizzazz every bit a behemothic, destroying everything.
  • The Mad Dr.: "I'm a rearing, tearing wizard when it's time for cutting up/I can graft a craven's gizzard onto the wishbone of a pup/And here'due south my greatest experiment that I am going to tackle:/To encounter that if the test result volition bawl or crow or cackle! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!"
  • Metalocalypse gives u.s.a. two for each of Dethklok's guitarists: "I'm No Man (I'm'south A God)" for Skwisgaar Skiwgelf, and "I Am Toki" for Toki Wartooth.
  • Mr. Magoo'south Christmas Carol has "We're Despicable", sung by the Charwoman, Launderer and Undertaker.

    Nosotros're reprehensible!

    We'll accept your pen and penci-ble!

  • My Piffling Pony: Friendship Is Magic:
  • Bella Ramsey, the voice of Hilda, wrote and performed a song called "The Life of Hilda" which is a fun combination of this trope and a "I Am" Song which talks most Hilda'due south everyday life. While the vocal is released on Youtube on November 25th, the song will also be featured during the credits of a Flavor 2 episode. Bonus points for it being sung in her character's vox!

    Bella Ramsey (In Hilda'south Voice): My name is Hilda and I don't learn from my mistakes / But I volition practice my best no thing what it takes... This is is the life / The life of Hilda.

  • Phineas and Ferb provides a few examples, most blatantly Vanessa's "I'm Me". For variants, there's Perry'south theme vocal annotation extended version here (a "He Is") and "The Fireside Girls Song" (a "We Are").
  • Popeye: "I'm Popeye the Crewman Human".

    I'thou Popeye the Sailor Man.

    I'one thousand potent to the finich

    Cuz I eats me spinach

    I'm Popeye the Crewman Man! (TOOT TOOT!)

  • Robinson Cruesoe gets one early in "Molly Moo Cow Meets Robinson Cruesoe".
  • Set up Jet Get!:
    • "Bortronian Is What I Am", written and sung by Jet himself in "My Fair Jet".
    • In "Lone Star", there is "Lone Star", sung past Jet, playing the titular Alone Star.
    • Mindy has "My Name is Mindy".
  • 1 episode of The Simpsons features a deliciously Bail-esque He Is Vocal for McBain as the ending theme to one of his movies, called "Blest exist the Guy that Bonds".
  • Steven Universe: Garnet has "Stronger Than You" (spoilerific!). It's about how she's the literal manifestation of the dear between Ruby and Sapphire and how she'll beat the crap out of those who desire hurt her friends.
    • The theme song of the show, "Nosotros Are The Crystal Gems", also counts—peculiarly the extended version.
    • Steven Universe: The Movie features "True Kinda Beloved", Steven and Garnet'due south most soothing "I Am" Song, at its climax, that too qualifies as a Friendship Vocal and The Power of Love.

    Garnet: And now I am better than "win-or-lose"
    At that place's a new direction that I like to choose
    Information technology's called the truth
    Information technology'southward called the truth

    Steven: Hey, you, show me that solvable trouble
    We can get through this
    I'll do the hardest part with you

  • The theme for Tom Terrific is a notable ane. The prove's villain Crabby Appleton has his own also.
  • "Blaineriffic" by Blaineley in Total Drama World Tour. Sounding very shut to "Fergalicious".
  • Accordingly enough, Wander over Yonder has "I'k the Bad Guy" past Lord Dominator, in which she cheerily explains her Card-Carrying Villain, Omnicidal Bedlamite For the Evulz ways.

    I'm not the damsel in distress
    I'm not your girlfriend or the frightened princess
    I'm not a little bird who needs your aid to wing
    Nope, I'one thousand the bad guy!

  • The two songs "Snow Miser" and "Heat Miser" from The Year Without a Santa Claus are prime examples (and Snow Miser is the folio image!)


Moana but Sung by an Idiot Roblox Id TUTORIAL

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